Better understand current challenges the Army is trying to solve and how your tech could help. Each afternoon VERTEX attendees will break into small groups moderated by US Army experts and "dive deep" into use cases to explore real-life solutions.

Humans are best at value-based decisions, assessing and accepting risk, and practicing the art of command and control. Machines are suited for moving, sensing, and delivering effects to the enemy. How do we better optimize functions in an HMI formation so each performs the tasks they do best?
How can we close the gap in human and machine interaction through intuitive interfaces, familiar behaviors, and greater sensory awareness?

How can autonomous systems operate based on a commander's vision and intent, rather than simply executing directed tasks?
Currently, most robotic assets require multiple operators. The Army must develop systems that enable machine-to-machine cooperative behavior, and reduce the number of humans needed to control robotic systems. How can we achieve a high volume of robotic assets while minimizing the number of operators needed?

Robots don't work well in harsh conditions - rain, nighttime, and heat – and require frequent recharging, refueling and maintenance. What approaches can help maximize the use of available resources in the environment, exploiting resources in the theatre of operations, and provide endurance and resilience to HMI formations?
We've been working on aided target recognition for years. Advancements in decision making tools, sensors, and advanced algorithms leave room for innovation. How do we make a leap in machine-enhanced detection, resource recommendation, and adjudication?

Future HMI formations will have more robots than humans can control at once. With more autonomy comes a need to understand when intervention is needed and switch from "autonomous" to "manual" mode to make corrections. How do we maximize our ability to intervene with an autonomous asset when needed?
The Army has a lot of equipment that is not autonomous, but performs certain tasks well. How can autonomy improve existing platforms to take advantage of the reliability, familiarity, and trust these legacy systems offer?

More HMI formations increase the demand on Soldiers to maintain them. How do we care for and keep HMI formations in the fight when there are far more machines than humans to care for them?
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