
Actual HMI: The Soldier Panel

10:15am - 11:15am

Soldiers from the National Training Center, Joint Readiness Training Center, Maneuver Center of Excellence, 20th Engineers, and 75th Ranger Regiment share first-hand experiences with human-machine integrated systems. What are the good and bad of how autonomy impacts daily operations, training, and mission execution?


Formations of the Future

11:15am - 12:30pm

Explore the Army's progress in building HMI formations. Army experts from Capabilities Development Integration Directorates (CDIDs) will discuss the design, implementation, and operational potential of these formations, emphasizing the collaboration between humans and emerging technologies like AI, robotics, and autonomous systems.


Closing the Loop: Advanced Autonomy

10:15am - 11:15am

What are the autonomy advances likely to redefine military operations? Industry leaders share how exponential advancements in hardware and AI will reshape everything from business to battlefield. Panelists discuss how they anticipate and adapt to rapid technological growth, and the opportunities they see on the zero-human horizon.


Are you Tired of Talking about Trust?

11:15am - 12:30pm

We know we need it. We know we don’t have it. What are we gonna do about it? Panelists speak from experience about approaches that do and don’t work.

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